

艺术 & 理科生手册

我们希望这本手册能帮助你回答信誉的在线火博体育网上火博体育和大学的许多问题.  You should use this handbook as an informational supplement to the BGSU 本科 Policies, Programs, and Courses.  Be sure to use the catalog year associated with the year you entered into BGSU.

重要的是要注意,理解和满足所有学位要求的最终责任是你自己.  We wish you well in your various academic and extracurricular pursuits.



目标。 - The 目标。 program has two 奖学金 packages with distinct requirements.  目标。标准奖学金传统上颁发给STEM专业的女性和有色人种学生.  目标。 BOSEF奖学金面向主修以下专业的俄亥俄州居民:化学, 物理, 生物学, 地质, 环境科学, 应用数学, 机械和制造工程技术,职业目标与可再生能源相关.

BGSU书店公民行动领袖-公民行动领袖计划是一个为期三年的奖学金计划.  学生在第一年的春季申请,并在大二期间参加该项目, 初级, 大四的时候.  Selected students receive a $2,450 奖学金 applied to their bursar account a $600 book loan each semester, 总共6美元,每年100. The 奖学金 is generously sponsored by the BGSU书店. Dependent on funding, students are eligible for the CAL 奖学金 for 3 years.

哈特福德技术租赁奖学金-哈特福德技术租赁公司为IT或相关领域的学生提供两项1000美元的奖学金.  One 奖学金 will be awarded in December and one in May. You may apply for both 奖学金s separately.

科学 & 数学教育在行动-  Bowling Green State University, in conjunction with the Ohio Board of Regents, 为有意在4至12年级教授科学和/或数学的新生提供奖学金计划.* In addition to 奖学金s, 该计划包括一些创新的特点,旨在培养本科生成为非常有效的教师.

斯图亚特·R. 吉文斯纪念奖学金 受到北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校伯奇信誉的在线火博体育网上火博体育网站员计划的启发,斯图尔特R. 吉文斯纪念奖学金 was initiated by friends of Dr. 给ns to honor his passion for student learning. 学生 will be encouraged to think broadly in shaping their projects; that is, to look beyond activities that relate to their field of academic study. 预计这种经历将对他们的生活产生明显的影响,并帮助他们在个人和智力上都有所成长. Up to two 给ns Fellows will be chosen annually. 每个人都将获得高达6000美元的现金赠款,以支持他们开发的项目.

本科 信誉的在线火博体育网上火博体育网站 Grants [CURS] -  This program provides up to $500 for supplies associated with research, 奖学金, 本科生在秋季或春季学期在教师导师的指导下进行创造性工作. 此外,它还为进行该项目的本科生提供高达200美元的财政支持. Applications are welcomed from undergraduate students from all disciplines, and participants need not be affiliated with the Honors Program.  Grants are awarded in the Fall and Spring.


牙科准备 根据不同的背景和兴趣,学生可以通过BGSU的牙科预科课程为牙科学校做准备. 牙科学校通常要求学生在入学前获得学士学位, 尽管一些准备充分的学生可能会在三年的本科学习后被录取.

工程准备 工程预科是BGSU物理系的一个一到三年的项目. 完成后, 你可以决定转到工程学院完成专业训练, or due to the strong science-mathematics base, you may opt to move into any one of several science-oriented majors at BGSU.

为法律做准备 - Our pre-law track offers you the skills, 专注和广泛的教育将引导你在全国顶尖的法学院取得成功. 法律预科课程通过结合具有挑战性和多样化的课程提供了竞争优势, specially designed advising for our students, and the involvement of leading University alumni in the field of law.

药物制剂 [M.D. 或维.O. [学位]-我们医学预科的学生不仅要上医学院入学所需的课程, but also choose a major in a specific subject matter area. So, 只要你成功地修完医学院入学要求的课程,你就可以在主修艺术的同时就读医学院, 2)在科学和整体GPA方面有较强的GPA; 3)在医疗保健服务方面表现出专门的兴趣.

Preparation for 太平间科学 -“预殓房科学”是一个术语,用于描述那些计划在大学毕业后进入殓房科学学校或在完成入学要求的至少60小时后进入的学生. When a student is “Pre-太平间科学”, 他们不仅仅是在学习太平间科学所需的课程, but they also have a major in a specific subject matter area.

Preparation for 职业治疗 - Occupational therapy is an exciting health profession. 职业治疗师帮助有身体和/或心理挑战的人最大限度地提高他们的日常生活能力, 工作和休闲职业.  When a student is "pre-occupational therapy", 他或她不仅要参加职业治疗学校入学所需的课程, but also has a major in a specific subject matter area. 学生可以选择任何专业,只要他或她成功地完成了职业治疗学校入学要求的课程,他或她仍然可以进入职业治疗学校学习, 2) has a strong overall college GPA, and 3) has demonstrated a dedicated interest in health care delivery.

验光准备 - BGSU为希望从事视光师职业的学生提供视光预科课程.  学生可以选择任何专业,只要他或她成功地完成了验光学校入学要求的课程,他或她仍然可以进入验光学校学习, 2) has both a strong science and overall college GPA, and 3) has demonstrated a dedicated interest in optometry medicine.

药剂学准备 -学生也有机会参加几年的药学预科课程,为转学做准备. 在全国范围内, 药学学校和学院提供六年的课程,最终获得药学博士学位.

Preparation for 医师助理 医师助理(PAs)是在医师监督下获得行医执照的卫生保健专业人员. 私人助理受雇于医生办公室、诊所、医院和其他卫生保健机构.  As part of their comprehensive responsibilities, 医务人员进行身体检查, diagnose and treat illnesses, 安排和解释测试, assist in surgical procedures, counsel on preventive health care issues, 开处方.  

Preparation for 兽医 - BGSU offers courses for students interested in a pre-veterinary medicine program. Many alumni are practicing veterinary medicine in Ohio. 几乎所有毕业后立即进入兽医学院的校友都获得了博士学位.V.M. degrees at The Ohio State University.
