Not in Our Town

Not In Our Town Bowling Green was created to champion diversity and advance the mission of guiding and inspiring people and the community to work together to stop hate and build safe, inclusive environments for all. This movement exists to address acts of intolerance and discrimination. Through the partnership of Bowling Green State University and the City of Bowling Green, Ohio, those involved with Not In Our Town pledge to stop bigotry before it starts and stand against any and all forms of hate.

Our Pledge

I,_______, as a member of the community of the community of Bowling Green, Ohio and/or Bowling Green State University, commit to provide a safe and inclusive environment for our friends and neighbors. I commit to end hate and intolerance in our community and will not tolerate acts of discrimination based on race/ethnicity, gender, gender identity/expression, sexuality, ability, religion/secularism, class, or any factors. I pledge to lead and live through example by stopping bigotry before it starts. I understand that being silent in the face of acts of intolerance is unacceptable. I pledge to take a stand against any and ALL hateful actions in Bowling Green, Ohio: my town.

Please consider taking the pledge today!

PDF Version

Upcoming Events

3/30 NIOT Conversation on the Rise of Extremism (7:00pm - 8:00pm via Zoom) 

Join Not in Our Town Bowling Green AND Detective Louis Espinosa from the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force for the second of a three-part series about the rise of extremism and domestic terrorism. Detective Espinosa will share information about strategies extremist organizations use to recruit new members, indicators that individuals may be engaged in extremist activities, and strategies that parents, caregivers, educators, and community members can use to identify and address potentially dangerous behaviors. 

Click HERE for a PDF View of the flyer!

*NOTE: This session will NOT be recorded due to the sensitive nature of this content.

A flyer promoting Not In Our Town Bowling Green's community event, Conversation on the Rise of Extremism. A virtual event.

Not In Our Town: A Bowling Green Legacy

Follows the actions of students working with administrators, law enforcement and community members to forge new bonds after racially charged actions shake their community. When racist tweets and “white power” graffiti leave students feeling threatened and unsafe, the campus and community of Bowling Green unite to take a stand against hate and join the national Not In Our Town movement.

This film is part of the Working Together for Safe, Inclusive Communities Initiative, a collaboration between Not In Our Town and the U.S. Department of Justice’s office of Community Oriented Policing Services. This free resource is available for law enforcement agencies to use in their communities. For more information on Not In Our Town: A Bowling Green Legacy email

Updated: 05/18/2023 02:16PM